It's funny how a little bout of snowboarding in Italy can have such a detrimental impact on cycling and getting fit?
I took a (very low speed) tumble a few weeks back, landing on my left bum cheek and left hand, as I was entering the chair-lift area.
I felt the pain in my leg, the impact being no worse than on the other tumbles I had taken during the week, but there was something different about this one. The pain was sharp.
I got back to my feet, took my place on the chair-lift and finished off my run – handing in my board at the bottom.
By now walking was becoming tough.
I didn't sleep much that night and travelled back to London the following day, having trouble standing, sitting and pretty much everything else!
It has now been 2 weeks since the fall. The bruising has almost gone and the swelling has gone altogether, but I am yet to get on the bike and try cycling.
All the hard riding done through the winter months has come to nought and I feel quite weak, but am dying to remount the Surly and head out again.
Who knows, might be riding by the end of the week?
UPDATE: The injury turns out to be a partially torn hamstring.
19/04/15 - UPDATE on the UPDATE: The torn hamstring is not a torn hamstring. Results from an MRI show no damage, only inflammation surrounding the top of the hamstring. Meds and physio should resolve the issue once and for all.
UPDATE: The injury turns out to be a partially torn hamstring.
19/04/15 - UPDATE on the UPDATE: The torn hamstring is not a torn hamstring. Results from an MRI show no damage, only inflammation surrounding the top of the hamstring. Meds and physio should resolve the issue once and for all.
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