Well, the route for 2017 has yet to be decided, but the country has been picked.
(Cue drum roll.)
Oooh, I hear you all say. Yes, oooh.
Canada is frikkin' awesome. They have Moose, bears, ample maple syrup. And beavers!
Not to mention wide open spaces and big skies at night...
Twenty seventeen is the 150th anniversary of Canada's independence, and as a result, all the National Parks across the country will be free to enter.
What a result.
Get on the bike, find the good parks, go check 'em oot eh!
The plan at the moment is to find all the friends and family across the country, and map out a giant dot-to-dot, from west (Vancouver, British Columbia) to east (St. John's, Newfoundland).
Or vice versa.
En route, I need to stop in Calgary for 2 reasons. One, to visit family friends we have living there, and two, the Stampede. Neither can be missed.
I will need to get from Vancouver to Calgary in about 35 days to make to Stampede, which should be easily doable.
The debate as to whether riding east/west will be into, or with, the wind rages on. Internet searches support both arguments, but at the end of the day, the wind will generally be in your face.
So that is the plan, now to start sorting the little details out, like how to get out of Vancouver/St John's safely.
Monday, 10 April 2017
Canada baby!!
Fish Hoek, Cape Town, South Africa
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