All I had to do today was not miss the ferry at 1330. It was a little over 53km to the terminal, so I had plenty of time to make that.
Rolling out of camp at about 0830, the cool morning air clinging to me like a blanket, it took me ages to warm up and get going. I was OK with that as I had tired legs after yesterday's effort.
I little bit of climbing soon got me warmed up, and then a beautiful viewpoint appeared, giving me expansive views of the bays and islands below.

The top section of the island is made up of a sedimentary rock, and breaks and weathers into perfect layers. At each cutting in the road this is visible and people use the rock for paving.

Coming around a corner into a small town, Manitowaning, I saw a sign for a bike shop, so I stopped and chatted to the owner for a bit. His setup had all the latest gear in it and I was a bit sorry that I couldn't buy anything from him. The old barn next door to him was filled with old bikes and parts, enough to build quite a few bikes I am sure.

South Baymouth soon appeared and I did a quick tour of the docks and little headland that jutted out into the lake. There is a tiny lighthouse on the shore that was used to guide boats back into harbour.
I had about an hour to kill before the ferry arrived, so had lunch in the shade on the shore, talked to some other cyclists about biking and touring and the Bruce Peninsula, and had a local beer.

When the ferry arrived, we boarded 2 by 2, tied our bikes to the stands and grabbed a seat on one of the upper decks.

After dozing for a bit, the Bruce Peninsula soon appeared on the horizon, so I grabbed all of my gear and got my bike ready for departure.
Tobermory is a little town that offers boat cruises to the Flowerpot rocks and other caves around the coast. All I wanted was a campsite. I was tired and wanted to sleep some more.
The information centre had no luck in finding me a campsite that had availability, the nearest being 45km away! I rode through town and found a sign to a campsite about 2km out of town. I made for it and soon had a very nice site. Not sure why the info centre didn't know about this one.
A swim in the pool cooled me off before dinner.
Distance: 59 km
Time: 2:52:42
Height gained/lost: 321m /-302m
Calories: 1779
One can't believe the lack of proper information sometimes.