The clear skies last night resulted in a very cold start to the day today, to combat that I stayed in bed for a little longer, partly in the hope it would warm up, partly because I felt really lazy.
Once in the sun though, it was nice and warm.

The climb out of Marathon is 4km long, so spinning the lighter gears is a great way to get the legs pumping for the day.

As there is not much between the towns on the north shore of Lake Superior, my days are dictated by where the town are. Some of the past days have been quite short, distance-wise, which takes a little bit of pressure off.

I am riding through mining country today; gold, silver, lead and zinc was discovered here in the 1930's, and eventually mined in the mid-50's.

White River, my destination for today, is the official 'birth place' of Winnie the Pooh. Winnipeg the bear, was bought by a soldier on the railway platform in White River, and soon assumed the role of company mascot. When the soldiers were sent to the UK, Winnie went along with them and was kept at the London Zoo while the soldiers were fighting in Europe. Winnie was later donated to the Zoo.
White River has no campsite, but the staff at the Info Centre said I can camp on the lawn outside, free of charge. Bonus!
Showers and a laundry service was provided at the gas station about 300m down the road. I was having a luxurious afternoon; clean clothes, a shower, a free campsite with power and!
The evening was a beaut, clear skies and a full moon rising. It may be another chilly evening in the tent. RV's and other campers were appearing out of the evening darkness and setting up camp like me, and soon there were a few of us hunkering down for the evening.
Distance: 96.8 kmTime: 4:57:58
Height gained/lost: 765m /-632mCalories: 2971
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