By the time I emerged from my tent, Stephen was already up and had dug a little trench around his tent to drain the pools of water.
There would be no cycling today.
Breakfast was once again down the road at Timmies, where Amy and I stayed to catch up on our respective blogs. Stephen went down to the canal to fish and Matt went back to the bike shop to investigate pannier options.

While walking there, the sky was turning a nasty shade of black, and rain showers could be seen across the lake. I made it to the bakery just as the clouds dumped what felt like actual buckets of water on us. These buckets soon had the gutters gushing and the drainage system working overtime.

I then setup my tent under the bike shelter and pinned it down with my panniers and had a pretty good night's sleep.
Tomorrow I would head out but I think Matt, Amy and Stephen would be spending another day here.
They will be missed as it has been great fun riding with them.
Not the most comfortable night, I'm sure!