My first Canada Day, in Canada as well, can you believe it?

I had a late start to the day, and then popped down into town to meet Wilma for the parade. The main street of Canmore was lined with people, most dressed in some form of Canadian clothing. It's quite surprising how many people actually own Canadian brand items!

Old cars, retired fire engines, gymnasts, dancers, policemen and women and clowns made up the parade, which was quite a spectacle to watch.
One thing I can say is that the kids come away from the parade with a
lot of sweets and freebies!

After the midday parade, the celebrations then moved to the park where there were food stalls and live music all afternoon and evening, accompanied by nature's own music. Thunder.
Wilma joined me later in the evening for the last couple of bands before we headed off to another park to watch the fireworks. And to be mozzie fodder.
Oh well, when in Canada...
Happy Canada Day!!
Those mossies sound like they're very pesky! Lovely pics and story about Canada Day. Thank you