I have a tailwind today but it is boiling hot and humid.
My target today is Vermilion Bay, but with the wind pushing and my legs feeling ace, I may surpass that.

The scenery is still beautiful and I am loving the rolling hills after the flats of the prairies. I am slowly finding my climbing legs again.
I have been feeling like a combination of Pig Pen from Charlie Brown, Magneto from the X-Men and Saturn for the past few days. I can't decide which one it is.

I say this because I seem to have picked up a pair of deerflies or horseflies which orbit me at pace while I am cycling. It is OK while they are buzzing around at a distance, but when they ping off my sunglasses or buzz past my ears, I get rather annoyed with them. I have whacked them a few times but it seems to have no effect. They only seem to go away when a big truck comes past and disrupts their orbit!

I have had a few drivers hoot and wave at me on the road today, and people still want to chat whenever I stop.

The railway line is running right past the campsite tonight, as in on the boundary, not 100m from my tent! This should be a loud night, as well as mozzie-filled.
I had to do all my cooking inside the reception office tonight as the bugs were so bad. They descended on me as soon as I got into camp.
Another storm has been predicted for tonight, let's see what comes of it.
Distance: 144 km
Time: 6:24:29
Height gained/lost: 1007m /-980mCalories: 4632
Those drafted bugs!